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MGO and Solid Forex Invest

We provide a full range of Forex Consultancy services through our partner Solid FX Invest Rather than focusing in a single strategy, we deliberately focus on portfolios to reduce risk and increase earnings.
Our firm's employs an expert team of traders specialists, with both fundamentals and technical analysts. The team is powered by the resources of modern technology and state-of-the-art software.
We do not offer expert advisors but investment consultancy services. We're employing this know-how directly through human traders together with sophisticated 3-day prediction algorithms, which can learn the direction of the moving average of each currency pair with an 86% of accuracy.
Today we offer PAMM and MAM accounts only through qualified Forex brokers.

MGO Group Int'l

MGO Group has been providing services and turn-key solution technologies to international clients in more than 90 countries for over 10 years. The firm and/or its members have worked extensively in Latin America, the Caribbean, Middle East, Africa, North America, Asia and Europe.

What's New

January 10, 2010
We're working with SolidFXInvest.com as a result of years of trading and Expert Advisor coding.
July 7, 2009
The group is working on increasing image and market penetration for CarTrackGPS.com

April 7, 2008
New personnel is incorporated into media and advertising positions.

July 26, 2007
MGO creates MariaRibeiro.net wedding designer site and reaches top ranks in Google.